Endless Sky Ship List

Note: MANY OF THESE SHIPS ARE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN! This is the main index. Here is the minmax index. You may also be interested in the outfit spoiler. You probably want chewwachoque's spoiler instead. All Ships, By Category. I'm a Clojure/Ruby developer working in web development since 2007. I mostly work on backend applications but sometimes I switch to frontend development and infrastructure engineering. Endless Sky Ship Maker, Version 160512 A space ship modding tool for Endless Sky. Another project by Stanislaus Krisna. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. For Endless Sky on the PC, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion.

I had a really enjoyable experience my first time through Endless Sky. I made a lot of discoveries and had a lot of fun. As I reached the endgame, though, I was a little dissatisfied with my Bactrian and its fleet of Beetle escorts. Sure, we were practically invincible (except a couple of times when we were ambushed by four or more Marauder fleets). Sure, we had enough cargo space and bunks to fulfill practically any mission, any time. Sure, we had dominated all the Pirate planets, and a few others who dared to attack us during the war. But the salaries I was paying just seemed... wasteful, somehow. Endless sky ship names

I calculated that it would take thousands of jumps for the salaries to eat through my credit, assuming I never made money every again. But I was still dissatisfied. I wanted a powerful fleet with minimal expense. The Universe should work for me, dang it!

Enter John Connor.

Endless Sky Ship List

Warning: This post contains spoilers!

Endless Sky Ship Tier List

Vsevolod Romashov

I'm a Clojure/Ruby developer working in web development since 2007.I mostly work on backend applications but sometimes I switch to frontenddevelopment and infrastructure engineering. I often work on open sourcelibraries and pet projects of all kinds.

Endless Sky Ship List

Endless Sky Ship List

Some of the projects I was working on lately include:

Endless Sky Ships

  • currency.com - development & launch of a media website with a self-written CMS (Ruby, Clojure, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, Kafka)
    April 2019 - December 2019
  • Cointelegraph - technical leadership in a team of 5 developers, system design of an editorial CMS and public site (Hanami, Karafka, Clojure, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka)
    May 2018 - March 2019
  • Dante Blockchain Technologies - cryptocurrency trading bot system (Roda, Sequel, Clojure, PostgreSQL), infrastructure management (Terraform, Ansible, Docker Compose)
    November 2017 - March 2018
  • Qlean - design and implementation of internal CRM systems (Rails, Sinatra, Clojure, PostgreSQL, Redis)
    April 2016 - August 2017
  • Wheely - backend API development and maintenance, interacting with Google Maps Roads API and different payment systems, extracting core business logic into a separate library (Sinatra, MongoDB, Redis)
    July 2015 - March 2016
  • vedomosti.ru - multiple backend services design and implementation (Rails, Sinatra, Lotus, PostgreSQL, Redis)
    April 2014 - July 2015
  • lenta.ru - internal editorial CMS and public website development for a news site serving up to 18M hits per day (Rails, EventMachine, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB)
    November 2012 - April 2014

Endless Sky Ship Names

  • 7@7vn.io
  • GitHub