Marble Chase Board Game Rules

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Board Games, Rules And Instructions: Aggravation Board Game. Board Games and Rules Buy Aggravation Board Games Aggavation Board Game Rules. Board Games, Rules And Instructions: Aggravation Board Game Rules. Getting aggravated yet? Aggravation is the classic marble race around a star shape, from base to home sweet home. When you combine a game of marbles with a deck of playing cards you get the 'Joker Marbles' card game. This game plays as a mix of 'Sorry' where you move your game pieces, in this case marbles, around a board and back into your home space. Instead of using dice to move your marbles, you use a deck of.

Marble Chase is a 20 minute game for 2 - 4 players. The object is to score colorpoints by shooting marbles onto the game board.

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Marble Chase Board Game Rules Cheat


Each player takes 12 cubes in their color. Roll to determine who goes first. Thestarting player takes just 1 marble shot, instead of the normal 3, but they may start inany column with any marble.


Marble Chase Board Game Rules

Begin your turn by rolling a D6 to determine the column from which to shoot yourmarbles this turn. (1 is black, the left-most column). You may start in a column otherthan the one rolled, but your shot(s) will incur a -1 penalty. If you start in the back row,you get a +1 bonus.
Shoot each of your 3 marbles once. If it does not fall into a slot but stays within the 6columns, redo the shot. If a marble goes outside the field of play, you may shoot it overagain (1x). Only 1 marble is allowed in a slot. You may hit a marble already on theboard; it is the final slot that counts.
At the end of your turn, score the shots in any order you choose, using penalties andbonuses. Mark yellow, red, blue and green by putting cubes in either the rectangularcolor reserve box, or on the 5, 10, 15 or 20 slots as appropriate. White points may bescored as any color. Black points are used to reduce an opponent’s total in any color,unless they already have 20 points in that color.
A Player must use the full number of points scored, or none at all. If you don’t haveenough cubes to mark your score, do not score that marble. This will happen often ifyou do not plan your shots! Do not score any shot that causes you to go above 20 pointsin a color.
The first player to score 20 points in all 4 colors is the winner. When playing a best of3 series, winning a game reduces you to 11 cubes for the rest of the match.In a 3-player game, the players who are trailing often team up and use their black pointsto slow down the leader. When 4 play, play teams, with each team scoring as oneplayer.
Have fun!