Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Free

Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse game is available to play online and download for free only at Romsget. Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse ROM for Sega Master System download requires a emulator to play the game offline. Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse is English (USA) varient and is the best copy available online. Softonic review A Full Version Adventure game for Windows. Castle of Illusion is a great, full version game also available for Android, iPhone, and MacWindows Phone, being part of the category PC games with subcategory Adventure and has been created by Disney.

  1. In Castle of Illusion: Starring Mickey Mouse, you play the most famous rodent in history. Your quest for the gems and Minnie Mouse will take you through five worlds of illusions, each entered through a different door in the castle. Castle of Illusion is not a violent game, but you'll still encounter numerous foes.
  2. Description of Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse In 1990, SEGA of America, Inc. Publishes Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse on Genesis. This action game is now abandonware and is set in a fantasy, licensed title, platform and walt disney.

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Castle of Illusion: Starring Mickey Mouse is a platformer developed by Sega in 1990 for the Sega Genesis and Sega Master System.

The game takes place within the eponymous Castle Of Illusion. Mickey must take it upon himself to rescue Minnie Mouse from the clutches of Mizrabelthe witch, who has kidnapped her in order to steal her youth and beauty. The player must battle through five stages and confront each stage's boss to collect the Seven Gems of the Rainbow. Only with these gems can he then build a rainbow bridge leading to the castle tower to face the evil witch in a final battle.


Cue classic side-scrolling and all the glory of 16-bit graphics and sound.

In 1992, it went and had two sequels: Land of Illusion and World of Illusion. A few years later, an additional sequel was released known as Legend of Illusion. 2012 saw a Nintendo 3DS companion game to Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two going under the name Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, officially billed as both a fourth, direct sequel and an Epic Mickey game, in which the Castle of Illusion has been transported to the Wasteland and Mizrabel seeks to escape from it by draining the essence of popular Disney characters.

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Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Free

In the wake of this release, Sega made a HD Remake of the original game and was released on the PlayStation 3 on September 3, 2013, while the Steam and Xbox 360 versions were released the following day. The game was delisted from these storefronts on September 2, 2016, due to Sega's contract expiring; it eventually resurfaced in April of 2017. The original version of the game and World of Illusion were both included as a part of the Sega Genesis Mini in 2019.


This game provides examples of:

  • Abnormal Ammo: The Genesis game gives you apples, marbles, and candles to throw at your foes. The remake limits these to the Echanted Forest, Toyland and the Castle respectively, while adding golden orbs and sweets to the Storm and Library levels.
  • Adaptation Expansion:
  • All There in the Manual: In the remake, collecting each of the two statue pieces per world unlocks a statue of the world's boss, along with a bio explaining their personality and/or why they have one of the Rainbow Gems in their possession.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: The remake features three unlockable costumes for Mickey to wear. The costumes are an explorer's outfit that is unlocked by finding all the chili peppers, a magician's outfit unlocked by finding all the playing cards, and a knight's suit of armor that is unlocked by defeating Mizrabel.
  • Anthropomorphic Shift: In the original, Mizrabel's true form is a mouse person like Mickey and Minnie. The remake has her as a human.
  • Asteroids Monster: The letter A's from the Master System version split into three smaller versions when attacked.
  • Auto-Scrolling Level: The Master System version has two: the first section of the cakes and sweets level, and the second section of Mizrabel's castle. The latter even features a moment where Mickey must let the auto-scrolling catch up with him to push him through a narrow passageway.
  • Backtracking: In one of the sections in the Toyland level in the Genesis version, the door to exit is at the beginning of the level, but you need to climb all the way to the top to find the key. Thankfully, you don't need to retrace the level; when you pick up the key, the platforms turn into ramps and you slide down all the way back to the exit.
  • Boss-Only Level: The third stage of each level in the remake.
  • Bottomless Pits: A standard hazard.
  • Broken Bridge: In the remake, you won't be allowed to enter each level until you have collected enough diamonds.
  • Calling Your Attacks: The Mizrabel battle in the remake.
  • The Cameo: In the remake, Pluto, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Goofy, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Chip, Dale and Pete can be seen watching the events of the game as a movie alongside Mickey and Minnie, most likely intended as a nod to the post-credits scene of the Genesis version.
  • Cheated Angle: In the HD remake, you can actually see Mickey's ears moving in impossible ways, purely for the sake of keeping that iconic look of his head known from animated shorts and comics.
  • Clock Tower: The fifth level of the Master System game, part of the fifth level in the Genesis version and also a level in the HD remake.
  • Damsel in Distress: The main objective of the game is to rescue Minnie Mouse.
  • Darker and Edgier: While not completely dark, the remake has a more ominous feel to it and many of the enemies and bosses are redesigned so that they look less cartoonish.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: This happens to each of the bosses upon their defeat in the Genesis version but is subsequently averted in the remake.
  • Defeat Means Friendship:
    • In the Genesis version, when Mickey ends up defeating the evil witch and preventing her from stealing Minnie's youth, she actually takes them both back home. On her broom. Whilst they snuggle up on a bench swing.
    • The remake has Mizrabel give Mickey and Minnie their own brooms to escape the falling castle, and it also adds a reason as to whyDefeat Means Friendship: it turns out it's a case of Know When to Fold 'Em. Mizrabel, as the narrator explains, had the wisdom to know when she was defeated, and also to know the reason why that was so, and it's because she recognized that Mickey and Minnie had a magic even greater than her own: The Power of Love.
  • Easier Than Easy: The easiest difficulty level, aptly named 'Practice', is essentially a heavily abridged version of the full game. Large sections of each level are omitted, and also...
    • Easy-Mode Mockery: The game ends at the 3rd level. However, this is a subversion, as the ending is somewhat more hopeful: Mizrabel has a change of heart and agrees to free Minnie in exchange for just three gems, then does so without any insults at all. The text telling you to try Normal mode is also more encouraging than insulting.
  • Expy:
    • The evil witch's character model is based on Queen Grimhilde from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (better known as simply 'the Evil Queen')—both in her 'hag' guise when she's old, and in her normal incarnation when she's becoming younger in the final battle. The remake takes it further by having her say she wants to be the fairest one of all.
    • The Oaf, the boss of level 5, is a recolored version of Willie the Giant.
    • Land Of Illusion has the Phantom as the final boss...but he's a recoloured version of The Horned King from Disney's The Black Cauldron!
  • Follow the Money: Diamonds in the Genesis version. The remake adds more to their worth as collecting enough will unlock later levels and also unlock concept art.
  • Fully Dressed Cartoon Animal: Minnie, in the remake, wears a red shirt.
  • Goomba Springboard: Mickey can use Goomba Stomps to jump higher, if he needs to do so.
  • Goomba Stomp: Unlike most games that feature this, Castle of Illusion requires an additional button press in mid-jump in order to stomp enemies, making it more like a Ground Pound than usual. The HD remake doesn't require the extra button press.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Mizrabel is envious of Minnie's beauty and popularity.
  • Guide Dang It!: The intro in the original has Mickey making quick work of three guards by jumping on them. Then when you try it yourself, Mickey gets hurt because you need to press the jump button again to take out an enemy.
  • Heart Container: Present in the Master System version, although as stars rather than hearts. Mickey starts out with three stars' worth of health, but can pick up extra ones in Toyland and the Clock Tower.
  • Hub World: Mizrabel's Castle of Illusion is this once you finish the introduction level.
  • Hyperactive Metabolism: Cake in the Master System version. A slice of cake heals one star's worth of damage, a whole cake heals two stars.
  • Ledge Bats: In the Storm level of the Genesis game. The bats have a tendency to jump out at you right as you're crossing a gap.
  • Level Ate: The third level of the Master System game, which replaces the Storm in that version, is entirely make of cakes, chocolate, and other confectionery, with a giant chocolate bar as a boss. The 'milk bottle' section of the Library of the Genesis game is likewise made of assorted sweet foods, the level's boss, the Treat Dragon being designed to look like it were made of red licorice.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: A strange example of this. Once the final boss is defeated, the castle begins to fall apart, likely as a result of the battle, considering she's still alive and in fact has to flee alongside the heroes.
  • The Lost Woods: The first level of both games is a grassy woodland. In the Genesis game, it phases from Green Hill Zone through deeper and darker (and, in some places, spider-filled) woods to a haunted forest toward the end.
  • Lucky Seven: Seven gems, seven bosses (six in the Genesis version).
  • Macro Zone: A giant study or library forms part of the fourth level of the Genesis game and the entirety of the fourth level of the Master System game.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • In the remake, Chip and Dale are dressed in their Rescue Rangers attire.
    • In level 5 of the remake, the narrator brings up Mickey's past experience in cleaning clocks.
    • The giant apple chase segment in the level 1 remake is a homage to the chase segments in Mickey Mania.
    • A milk bottlecap in level 4 of the remake has Mickey in his 1930's design.
  • Never Say 'Die': Lives are referred to as 'tries'.
  • Palette Swap: The Oaf boss is a recolored Willie the Giant.
  • The Power of Love: Is what leads to Mizrabel's Heel–Face Turn.
  • Preorder Bonus: Playstation 3 owners who preordered the HD remake between August 20th and September 3rd received three avatars, a dynamic theme and the original Genesis/Mega Drive version of the game.
  • Punny Name: Mizrabel. Because she's Miserable.
  • Quicksand Sucks: In the Toyland stage. Okay, it's more like Quick-Jelly, but it definitely Sucks.
  • Rogues Gallery Transplant: Legend of Illusion features Merlock the Magician, the main villain of the DuckTalesmovie as one of the bosses, though he is only referred to as Evil Magician.
  • Shout-Out: Two of the collectibles of the remake are 'Donald's chili peppers' and 'magic playing cards'. And in case you thought it was a coincidence, the trophies/achievements you get for collecting them all are the names of these two games!
  • Spring Jump: The second level has springboards for you to jump on.
  • Super Not-Drowning Skills:
    • In the stages where you can swim, you never run out of air.
    • Averted in the Master System sequel Land of Illusion, where you have a standard Oxygen Meter.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: You can't jump high enough to stomp the second stage boss. Don't worry, he'll start releasing helpful springs for no real other reason than chivalry. You can also cheese him by hiding in a corner.
  • Toy Time: The second level of both games.
  • The Unfought: Shadow Mickey, who's exclusive to the remake. You spend the entire second act of level 4 chasing him to retrieve the green gem, but instead of actually fighting him, he's brained in the head by a giant spoon as you escape into a giant teacup. You then have to escape the teacup, but after you do that, Mickey simply retrieves the green gem from the dazed Shadow Mickey.
  • Unlockable Content: The remake features some. Aside from the aforementioned costumes, you are also able to unlock concept art for every diamond you collect that isn't used to gain access to the levels and you can find a statue piece in the first two stages of each level to unlock statues of the bosses.
  • Water Level: The third level of the Genesis game, which transitions from a lake with islands to flooded ruins.
  • When Trees Attack: The first stage boss in the Genesis version is a living log that jumps out of the tree it's resting in and rolls towards you. What? It Makes Sense in Context... sort of. The Master System version just has a tree as the first boss. The remake adds an explanation, sort of. The narrator refers to this boss as the 'grumpy old oak'; so apparently it was attacking Mickey either just because it was a grouch, or because Mickey woke it up or something.
  • You Are Too Late: In both the Genesis and HD versions, just as Mickey finally arrives at the final room to save Minnie, Mizrabel completes the first part of the spell and makes herself look much younger. Fortunately, Mickey manages to beat Mizrabel before the last part of the spell (turning Minnie into an old crone) is complete, so Mickey is able to foil Mizrabel's plan anyway.
Castle of illusion starring mickey mouse game free online


Castle of Illusion: Starring Mickey Mouse
Developer(s)Sega Studios Australia
Disney Interactive Studios
Feral Interactive[1](OS X)
Composer(s)Shigenori Kamiya, Grant Kirkhope (arranger and additional music)
Platform(s)PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Windows Phone, Android, OS X, Xbox One, (Backward Compatible with the Xbox 360) Xbox Series X (Backward Compatible with the Xbox 360)
  • PlayStation 3
  • September 3, 2013
  • Xbox 360, Windows
  • September 4, 2013
  • iOS
  • November 21, 2013
  • Windows Phone
  • May 27, 2014
  • Android
  • June 18, 2014
  • OS X
  • July 24, 2014

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse is a 2.5Dplatform game developed by Sega Studios Australia and published by Sega. The game is a remake of the original 1990 Sega Genesis/Sega Mega Drivevideo game of the same name, which was the first title in the Illusion series of Mickey Mouse video games. The game was released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows in September 2013,[2] and later for iOS, Windows Phone, Android, and OS X.[1]


Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Free Download

Following the same style of gameplay as the original Mega Drive/Genesis title. Presented in high-definition 3D graphics, the game is largely played as a side-scrolling platformer like its predecessor, although some sections allow Mickey Mouse to move in multiple directions, such as puzzle segments. Mickey's main offensive ability is his bounce attack, which he can use to bounce on enemies and reach higher areas. He can also collect projectiles which he can throw at long distance enemies. Levels are re-envisioned versions of the original game's levels now separated into three acts, featuring new layouts, puzzles and enemies, as well as enhanced boss fights. The castle itself, which was merely a transition in the original game, can now be fully explored, with new areas opened up by collecting numerous gems littered around each level. Throughout the game, players can find playing cards and chilli peppers that can be used to unlock various outfits for Mickey.[3]


As in the 1990 original, the game casts players in the role of Mickey Mouse who must fight his way through the Castle of Illusion to rescue Minnie Mouse from an evil witch Mizrabel who wants to steal her beauty.

Obstacles include enchanted forests, rebellious toys and mazes of living books.[4]

Development and release[edit]

The Castle of Illusion remake was teased by Sega in April 2013[5] and was announced later that month.[6] The game was developed by Sega Studios Australia, their last game before the studio was shut down,[7] under the supervision of the original game's director, Emiko Yamamoto.[8][9] The game features a remastered soundtrack arranged by Grant Kirkhope, as well as an option to listen to the original soundtrack composed by Shigenori Kamiya.[10] The game also features full voice acting for Mickey, as well as narration by Richard McGonagle.[3] Both Mickey's and the Narrator's scripts were written by Dean Wilkinson. From September 2016 until March 2017, the game was delisted from the Steam, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network stores.[11][12]

Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Free

Players who pre-ordered the game on PlayStation Network were able to download the original Genesis game, as well as a theme and custom avatars.[13]


Aggregate score
iOSPCPS3Xbox 360

Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Free

Review scores
iOSPCPS3Xbox 360
Game InformerN/AN/A7/10[23]N/A
OXM (US)N/AN/AN/A8/10[20]

Castle of Illusion received generally positive reviews, according to review aggregatorMetacritic.[17][14][15]IGN gave the game a score of 6.7, praising its presentation while critiquing its slippery controls and a short length.[18]Joystiq gave the game 4/5 stars, calling it 'both a great remake and a showcase for the key elements that make a great platformer'.[19]GameSpot gave the game a score of 7.0, praising its fun platforming while lamenting unskippable cutscenes.[21]Official Xbox Magazine gave the game a score of 8.0, calling it 'a fun update to yesteryear’s classic, but also a solid platformer in its own right'.[20]GamesRadar gave the game 3.5/5 stars, praising its presentation while noting some issues with controls on account of input lag for some televisions.[22]


  1. ^ ab'Disney's Castle of Illusion lowers the bridge for Mac this week'. Retrieved 2016-09-20.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  2. ^'SEGA Blog | Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Gets Release Date, Price, and Pre-Order Special'. 2013-08-16. Retrieved 2013-08-25.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  3. ^ ab'Test Chamber – Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse - Features'. 2013-07-29. Retrieved 2013-08-10.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  4. ^Disney LOL
  5. ^'Is SEGA Teasing a Castle of Illusion Remake? - IGN'. 2013-04-12. Retrieved 2013-08-10.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  6. ^'SEGA Blog | Announcing Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse'. 2013-04-15. Retrieved 2013-08-10.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  7. ^Phillips, Tom (2013-04-05). 'Sega to shut down Medieval 2: Total War developer Sega Studios Australia • News •'. Retrieved 2013-08-10.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  8. ^'HD Re-Make of Castle of Illusion Mickey Mouse Game Coming This Summer'. Retrieved 2013-04-16.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  9. ^Matulef, Jeffrey. 'Castle of Illusion remake unveiled for PSN, XBLA and PC • News • PlayStation 3 •'. Retrieved 2013-04-16.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  10. ^'Banjo-Kazooie composer is doing Castle of Illusion's OST'. Destructoid. Retrieved 2013-08-10.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  11. ^Futter, Mike (August 30, 2016). 'Castle Of Illusion Now Backwards Compatible On Xbox One, To Be Delisted On September 2'. Game Informer. Retrieved August 30, 2016.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  12. ^Madan, Asher (March 31, 2017). 'Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse's remake returns to the Xbox Store after delisting'. MSPowerUser. Retrieved February 1, 2018.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  13. ^'Castle of Illusion remake releasing Sept 4, pre-orders include Mega Drive original'. VG247. 2013-08-16. Retrieved 2013-12-30.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  14. ^ ab'Disney Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse for iPhone/iPad Reviews - Metacritic'. Metacritic. Retrieved August 29, 2016.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  15. ^ ab'Disney Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse for PC Reviews - Metacritic'. Metacritic. Retrieved August 29, 2016.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  16. ^'Disney Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse for PlayStation 3 Reviews - Metacritic'. Metacritic. Retrieved 2013-10-05.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  17. ^ ab'Disney Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse for Xbox 360 Reviews - Metacritic'. Metacritic. Retrieved 2013-10-05.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  18. ^ abcRichard Cobbett 3 Sep 2013 (2013-07-22). 'Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse HD Review - IGN'. Retrieved 2013-09-05.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  19. ^ abCowan, Danny. 'Castle of Illusion review: Once upon a mouse'. Joystiq. Retrieved 2013-09-05.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  20. ^ ab'Official XBOX Magazine | Castle of Illusion review'. Retrieved 2013-09-05.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  21. ^ ab'Disney Castle of Illusion HD Review -'. Archived from the original on 2013-09-07. Retrieved 2013-09-05.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  22. ^ abMike Suskie on September 5, 2013 (2013-09-05). 'Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse review'. GamesRadar. Retrieved 2013-12-30.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  23. ^Turi, Tim (September 3, 2013). 'Game Informer PS3 review'. Game Informer. Retrieved August 29, 2016.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)

External links[edit]

Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Free Download

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